Friday, February 11, 2011

Why Facebook Should be an Essential Ingredient in Your Marketing Strategy

Facebook is a must-do for every social media consultant

via Social Media B2B by Jeffrey L. Cohen on 2/3/11

The following is a summary of the session Why Facebook Should be an Essential Ingredient in Your Marketing Strategy at the MarketingProfs Digital Marketing Forum:

Aaron Strout (AS), VP, Powered

Kyle Flaherty (KF), Director of Marketing, BreakingPoint Systems
Adam Brown (AB), Director of Social Media, Dell
Frank Eliason (FE), Senior Vice President of Social Media, Citi
Ekaterina Walter (EW), Social Media Center of Excellence Strategist, Intel

EW: Why Facebook? 70% of Facebook is international outside of US and translated in more than 100 languages. Facebook is your home page for the social web. Since most people don’t go back to a company’s website, Facebook can serve that purpose. Developers, for example, don’t hang out on Facebook. Some things to think about when approaching Facebook. What are your objectives? Do you have the resources to support the presence? What is voice and what story do you want to tell? Who do you want to connect with?

Considerations the following when creating content on Facebook: Use short, skimmable content. Don’t use all 420 characters. Include call to action. Make sure you create engaging content (likes, comments) so it will show up in the newsfeed of people who like your page.

AS: 4 Golden Rules of Facebook
Do organize your Facebook presence around conversation
Do give your Facebook audience something to do
Don’t overestimate your audience’s attention span
Don’t miss easy Amplification opportunities

AB: The most liked comment on the Coke Facebook page ever was about the number of bubbles in a bottle of Coke. Think quirky content to drive engagement. Early Coke Facebook Page created by fans, which grew to 250,000 fans. Coke contacted originators and told them they could keep running the page, now 20 million fans.

KF: What can a cybersecurity firm do on Facebook? Only need 500 fans and 3 conversions to pay off. 2 tips for success: Link Facebook Page to Google Analytics. Integrate other content, for example embed a livestream on Facebook Page.

FE: It is imperative for brands to set up Facebook pages to prevent others from setting up pages using their names and customer domain name. Facebook is not about pushing out marketing messages. Citigroup uses Friday posts to share fun, unrelated content. Those are the updates that get the most engagement. Use analytics to determine engaged fans of the page to update content based on the audience.
Biggest challenge is internal, especially in regulated industries. Sometimes you need to make internal compromises. Must review your learning to make changes based on what works. You must understand where your brand stands, and be honest about it. Companies need to build trust on Facebook, as it represents peoples’ living room.

AB: Dell has a heritage in social media because Michael Dell gets it. Must accept that you are an invited guest on social profiles. Need resources to respond to customer services. Many Facebook pages were created for brands, divisions, etc. within Dell. They have been collapsing pages and making new tabs on other pages. Sometimes Facebook helps in moving fans, but sometimes not. Storytelling is what is required to drive content. Dell has incorporated the like button on with great success. There are also sales increases when you can take content from Facebook of people talking about your products and put it on your website.

EW: Note: less than 4% of Facebook Pages have decent number of fans and real engagement. The best brands on Facebook humanize their brand by having their own unique voice. Use of tabs is important.
Good Examples of Facebook Pages: Starbucks, Skittles, Coke, Red Bull

AS: Make sure Facebook Page follows a logical flow and don’t make a crazy landing page that confuses viewers.

KF: Uncle Billy’s, a local restaurant in Austin, ties in Groupon and Foursquare on their Facebook wall to show who checks in.

AB: Facebook gives small companies the same soapbox as large companies. Adidas is an example of a global brand that makes it local by geography and language. This customized conversation is what is important. A Facebook wall is a narrowcast medium.

FE: Nike is another example of a good Facebook page. When working with internal partners, like legal, try to understand their questions. In many instances, they view social media as advertising, which changes their approach to it.

EW: Facebook wants the most engaged content to show up in the newsfeed. Per post comments and likes, along with overall like profile of the page is part of the newsfeed algorithm. If posts don’t engage, delete the post and re-post it in a different way. Make sure posts have a calls to action. Newsfeed optimization is the new SEO. Use photos and video hosted on Facebook. When hosted video is viewed by someone that does not like your page, they see a like button for the page.

KF: Sunday River is a ski resort, which is a seasonal location. There Facebook page is a challenge, but they even maintain content throughout the summer.

FE: Fan count does not show engagement. The metrics we track are: Spread-Where did message go? Engagement-Did people like and comment on the post? Net Promoter Score-The customer affinity for a brand and how is connects back to customer data that the company has for people.

AB: Net Promoter Score is as important as the stock ticker on Dell’s intranet. There are 22,000 conversations about Dell online per day. Social commerce is the next big thing within the Facebook world.

FE: Concerns over privacy and trust with Facebook is going to grow in the coming year. People are also concerned about the amount of personal information Facebook holds.

KF: https (secure sign in) is going to change Facebook security.

Final Tweetable Thoughts from the panelists
AB: Note to self: buy SEO firm and convert to NFO (newsfeed optimization).
EW: The ROI of Facebook is about humanizing your brand.
FE: No matter the platform, know your customer.
KF: This isn’t rocket science. It doesn’t take someone special to do it.

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