Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mid-Week Madness: 28 September 2011


Wednesdays are always a mixed-bag. Its always confusing whether to be happy that half the week is over or to sulk in the fact that the weekend is still far away. However, its always a good day to recap on the interesting stuff so far this week so as to know what to expect the rest of the week.

Here are some bits that I enjoyed reading so far. Hope you find them as enlightening, funny, educational, …yada yada yada….as I did!

An “Apple” a day, keeps the rumors, well…the rumors will never stop!

What better way to get through the week than read about new rumors about the upcoming, iPhone event on October 4th. If all the speculation and anticipation about an iPhone 5 wasn’t enough, we are also now excited about “what else” to expect. If there’s one thing that Apple has done right in the last few years, it is hiring the right marketing guys.

Facebook charging users? Hogwash!

The number of posts claiming that Facebook will start charging users for the new profiles reached staggering levels throughout the week. Not just on FB, these posts started making the rounds on Google+ as well! My only reply to one such post from a friend…GROW UP SON!

Google+ hits the 50 million user mark!

Quite a landmark for Google that also celebrated its 13th birthday! Google+ became the fastest social network to reach 50 million users. Hmm…now only if I can get my friends to join my circle…till then I will have to settle for posts from the likes of Chris Brogan and Guy Kawasaki. Not a bad deal really!

Why would I want to SHARE my circles?

In yet another update to Google+, users can now share their circles with their…umm…circles! Apparently, I want to let my friend know that I have put him in a circle called “Extreme Caution: Nincompoops!” !!!!

MIdweek Productivity: Yet another checklist

Well…lets face it, you are probably neck deep in work by Wednesday. You know you should have completed the work last week…but you find yourself staring at it this Wednesday. Yes, you deserve the “Employee of the Month” award anyhow. But, here’s another checklist to help you stay on top of tasks. Just go ahead and add it to your reading list for this week…right after Moby Dick!

Have a good rest of the week, and as usual, feel free to drop me a line on Google+ or on my Facebook page.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Random stuff on a Sunday night!


This is just a collection of some interesting stuff I found while randomly browsing through my Google Reader feed.

  1. Could not wait to activate the Timeline for the FB profile. Am loving it!

  2. What better to do on a Sunday evening, than play some offbeat iphone games! Procrastination is definitely my favorite sin!

  3. Excellent checklist, if you have a blog that aims to make money. Me, I just blog for the hell of it!

  4. Some food for thought if you consider yourself to be an entrepreneur. Do you challenge yourself?

  5. And finally, cannot end the week without some Facebook love. Here’s some more info on what to do with the new FB changes.

Feel free to give me a shout out on my Google+ profile or find me on my Facebook page. Be cool!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Article: Facebook Redesigns News Feed, Makes Ticker Official

Facebook Redesigns News Feed, Makes Ticker Official

Facebook has redesigned the news feed (again!) and officially launched a ticker in the right-hand side of the screen.

Users have been seeing both of these changes in beta test versions in recent weeks, but today they go live across the site.

While the news feed and ticker at first seem like duplicates of one another, the latter looks like a skinnier version of the former.

The ticker sits on top of the chat feature, and you can move the grey bar separating the two to adjust how much you see of each.

Clicking on anything in the ticker expands it into a fuller-sized version in the space otherwise occupied by the news feed.

The news feed reflects the addition of the recently launched smart friend lists, the subscribe button and the relocated privacy controls on the site; Facebook explains how to use all of them in a new video that we’ve embedded beneath this post.

The feed focuses on the most popular topics among your friends and those you subscribe to; you might see it expand in places where people are commenting, as often as it might scroll down.

The ticker is more current and scrolls down faster than the news feed.

The redesigned news feed also shows larger-sized photos than the previous iteration did, while the ticker consists of only text and links.

Facebook Product Manager Keith Schacht explains that the news feed tries to show you what you want to see — things that have posted since the last time you checked the site, and items from friends pages you prefer over others.

“Through our announcements last week and today we’ve given users a new set of controls so they can tell us what they want to see. You can click on a story and indicate whether you want to see more news from a particular friend. We’ll listen to that feedback and show you that content. This whole set of changes is about not missing important updates,” said Schact in a telephone briefing.

Lest any of us mistake the redesigned news feed and official ticker launch as Facebook giving away the goods before the f8 developers conference this week, Schact said that the company has plenty of other things to announce at the annual event on Thursday.

Of course, users of Facebook will likely grumble about the changed formatting and then decide they like this layout when the next one comes through — that happens every time the site revamps its layouts.

In the mean time, we’ll ask you, dear readers, what you think about the latest version of the news feed and the ticker?

Sent with Mr. Reader

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Article: Building of SEO Strategy for Small Business Sites

Building of SEO Strategy for Small Business Sites

Let’s consider the stages of a successful SEO campaign:

Setting goals and defining where you’re going, and what’re you’re planning to achieve
Research the competition and analyzing the market Analysis
Keyword research, which means selecting keywords with the best search-volume-to-competition ratio
On-site SEO, optimizing meta titles, creating correct robots.txt file, creating and submitting a .xml sitemap of your site, and a thorough analysis of your site’s content and structure
Link building
Results analysis

(via Instapaper)

Always a good time to get a refresher on the basics of SEO. Do you review your website/blog frequently to ensure you're not missing out on any of these?

Sent from my iPad as a <a href=””>social media consultant.</a>

MAJOR UPDATE: You No Longer Need 25 Fans To Get A Custom Page URL!

You No Longer Need 25 Fans To Get A Custom Page URL

Facebook used to require pages and individual users to have at least 25 friends in order to claim a customized address extension. That meant any newbie had to accept an ugly URL usually including a long number.

No one can remember URLs like this and they’re too long to put on your marketing materials.

Now you no longer need 25 friends for your profile or page to get an easier-to-remember address.

Go to to choose custom URLs for your pages.

Brian Carter is author of the books The Like Economy and Facebook Marketing.

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Sent from my iPad

Thursday, September 8, 2011

45 Years of Star Trek [INFOGRAPHIC]

Star Trek has always been and will be the greatest sci-fi series EVER! The one series that I can watch over and over again. And BTW, James Kirk was the best captain by a long shot. Anyone think otherwise?

45 Years of Star Trek [INFOGRAPHIC]

On Sept. 8, 1966, the dream of producer Gene Roddenberry came true: The first regular episode of Star Trek aired, beginning one of the greatest sci-fi enterprises in history.

The series received mixed ratings throughout the first two seasons and was even temporarily pulled off the air after season three. During the next two decades, Star Trek bounced between animation, film and television, ultimately capturing the hearts and minds of millions of fans around the world.

If you’re a fan of the series, chances are you know most everything about it. Still, it’s always nice to get a refresher. Check out how the events in real-life space exploration influenced the popular series (and vice versa) in this nifty infographic below.

The entire history of Star Trek is in this timeline infographic.

Source: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration

More About: infographic, Sci-Fi, Star Trek, television

For more Media coverage:

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Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Facebook feature: Profile Review

Facebook has enabled a new feature, called "Profile Review". You can find it under Privacy Settings > How Tags Work. 


This feature allows you to manually approve posts you're tagged in before they go on your profile. When you have a post to review, the Pending Posts tab will appear on your profile. Note: You can still be tagged. This controls whether tags go on to your profile.

Stay connected with Manish on Google+ !

Article: Facebook for iPhone Gets Big Privacy Upgrade [PICS]

Have you updated your Facebook app yet?

via Mashable! by Christina Warren on 9/6/11

Facebook has updated its iPhone app with a slew of new features and privacy controls, many of which mirror recent enhancements to the website.

Facebook for iPhone 3.5 [iTunes link] now lets users tag friends and places in posts and share external links from the web view. It also makes it easier to control who can see what posts, matching the enhanced controls now available on The app also features redesigned Profile and Group walls, making it both more streamlined and clean.

Additionally, Facebook fixed a number of bugs and made some performance enhancements. We really like the update and are especially impressed with Facebook’s new privacy options tour that accompanies the app the first time it is launched.

On the downside, 9to5 Mac reports that Facebook has taken this update opportunity to remove the Facebook for iPad code that accidentally leaked in July. An official iPad app remains missing in action.

Let us know what you think of the new update in the comments.

Update Notes

New Privacy Controls

This pop-up guide launches when you start Facebook for iPhone after installing the update.

Tour: Tagging

Tour: Location

Tour: Groups Control

Updated Status

A status update tagging a person and a location.

Status Privacy Options

You can select the audience and/or friends list for your post controls.

Status Privacy Selection

Status Messsage

Profile Wall View

The layout and "About" section are slightly modified and more streamlined.

Groups Wall View

The wall view for Groups is more streamlined as well.

Share External Links

External links can now be shared within Facebook.

External Link Preview

A preview of an external link share.

More About: facebook, iphone, iphone apps

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